Handy Blog

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Winter 2016

Tradeshow Do’s and Don’ts


Stand out!  Ensure you have signage that represents your company.  Use another color drapery or skirting on your table to stand out from the other exhibitors.


Ever sit down.  I know it is hard to be on your feet all day, but sitting down will make you look like you are not interested in talking or even interested in your own product.

Order a bar stool for your booth so that you may lean on it a bit but still be at eye level with your customers.  It might even be worthwhile to get a couple of the stools that way when engaging in a conversation with a potential client you can offer them a seat and keep them at your booth longer.


Have a draw in your booth that will enable you to collect business cards and compile email addresses, phone numbers, etc. to add to your database.


Block off your booth by putting a large table in front, this does not welcome anyone to come into your booth.  Put your table at the back or the side to allow people to come into your booth.


Smile.  It really does go a long way, it makes you more approachable.  Even better, say “Hello” to everyone that walks by.


Your research, check to see what the attendance was during the previous year, if it is a new show, find out what they are doing to advertise and draw people to the show.  Find out what you can to see if the show’s demographics match yours.


Something to get your potential new customers to your booth, short games or contests are great, something interactive but not time consuming works every time. – once you get a few people to your booth, others will come… just out of curiosity.  Another great draw is popcorn, you will be amazed at how many people will be drawn to your booth because of that smell!


Forget your information– business cards, pamphlets etc.  Sometimes they may not seem interested at the show but after they have time to read your information they may contact you.


Have a “Show Special” that will entice those who are already interested to purchase.


Have Fun!!! – it will show


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